We could all use some extra money! One way to achieve this objective is by getting a gig blogging and freelance writing. Online jobs provide the flexibility to make some dough in the comfort of our own home. Whether you’re looking for a full-time or part time job, the sites below provide countless opportunities to take advantage of.
Blogging JobBoards and Opportunities
1. ProBlogger’s JobBoard - My favorite site on the list. ProBlogger provides job opportunities for bloggers.
2. BlogHer - This is a blogging network of women, but blogging jobs are listed regularly.
3. Blogger Jobs - Provides blogging opportunities and tips for those looking to be a career blogger.
4. Freelance Blogger - Network of freelance bloggers sharing leads, tips, etc.
5. Creative Weblogging - Earn between $84 and $140 per month with a required 3-5 posts per week with atleast 70 words.
6. BlogWork - Job writing and technology jobboard that also provides tips and helpful articles.
7. Bloggeries - JobBoard subforum for Bloggeries where you’ll find opportunities posted.
8. Performancing - Blogging jobs are continuously posted in this subforum.
Get a Freelancing Job
9. Academia Freelance - Snag a freelance writing job. They send you a test essay to evaluate who they want to choose. You can read more about how the process works.
10. Sunoasis Jobs -Freelancing and blogging jobs are continuously posted on this site.
11. Writers Weekly - Extensive listing of freelance writing jobs are continuously published.
12. All Freelance Writing - Provides listings of freelance writing and blogging jobs.
Search Engines
Utilize these search engines with keywords “Freelance Writing” and “Blogging Jobs.”
13. Indeed
14. SimplyHired
15. CareerJet
Job Notifications
16. Tweet My Jobs - Sign up with Twitter and TweetMyJobs, choose a job channel and have the job notifications sent to you via text message or access it from either Twitter or TweetMyJobs online.
Great Resources to Find a Job Online
17. How to Find a Job Online (mint.com)
18. 12 Killer Ways to Make Extra Income on the Web (sitepoint.com)
19. 49 Places to Find Telecommuting Jobs (freelancegigs.com)
20. Rat Race Rebellion - This site posts a variety of categorized online jobs. They research all online jobs that are posted to eliminate those that are scams. They also provide tips to spot scams.
Hopefully these sites and resources will help you get some extra cash in your pocket. I’m contemplating seeking out a part time blogging job to make a few extra bucks. Do you have any great sites I may have missed? Any thoughts on any of the mentioned sites?
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